Marvel Rivals Hero Proficiency

Marvel Rivals Hero Proficiency

Your leading Marvel Rivals hero proficiency boosting experience.

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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Where can you buy Marvel Rivals hero proficiency boosting?

This service is available via specialist boosting websites like BoostRoyal.

How long should I boost my hero?

Ideally, you should use this service until you reach the Lord level.

Is Marvel Rivals hero proficiency boosting expensive?

The service might cost a lot if you're trying to reach the Lord tier due to the required time. However, for smaller boosts, the pricing is very reasonable.

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Upgrade Your Main With Hero Proficiency Boosting

Hero proficiency in Marvel Rivals serves as a badge of honor. It shows your deadliness with a particular hero and how much time you've spent grinding.

Not only that, but higher proficiency also unlocks certain cosmetics, and others will notice your progress, making them tremble in-game. So, not only does boosting your hero affect aesthetics, but it might also provide a tangible benefit in a fight!

Rewards from Marvel Rivals Hero Proficiency Boosting

Aside from the usual bragging rights, most people pay for Marvel Rivals hero proficiency boosting to unlock new cosmetics and goodies. Through proficiencies, you can unlock the following:

  • Sprays: As in any other game, sprays can be used on any in-game surface. However, most players use them to mark an area you're dominating or at the start of the game for fun.
  • KO Prompts: These prompts are used whenever you land a killing bow in Marvel Rivals. The prompts you get through hero proficiency boosting are much flashier and more memorable, so using them is a great way to showcase your progress with a hero.
  • Avatars: An image shown within the hero select screen. The avatars unlocked through Hero Proficiency are much cooler than the default ones, and specific to the Hero you've unlocked Hero Proficiency in.